Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Thing 5

I am trying to search and subscribe to some blogs. I have found several blogs that are of interest to me in one of my favorite areas......writing. Of the several blogs that I have found that I like, I still cannot figure out how to add them to my blog library/rss. I can add them to my facebook page....YEAH! But, that is not really where I want all of that information going. I love that I am finding so much information that I am interested in. Now if I can just get it to this place where it is easier for me to read and keep up with. As I said before, I will keep plugging along. Maybe by the end of this course, I will actually get it.


  1. Keep practicing using Google Reader to subscribe to and organize your feeds. If you have specific questions, please email them to

  2. It took me awhile too! I liked the rss orange button best that is on the actual website. Maybe try that method?? Good luck!
