Friday, May 27, 2011

Thing 13

So delicious.......and bookmark/tagging! Hmmm?! I love bookmarking and the idea of a way to better organize sites that I want to return to through tags, etc. I think that it would make my life so much easier. It would also make sense to have it be public because then I could allow my fellow teachers to have access, but I could possibly also allow my students to have access to the information. This would allow them to access information that may help them when they are attempting to do homework, study, etc. at home. It would likely be helpful to parents also. So many times I hear from parents that they have difficulty helping their student because the information is nothing they can recall from their high school days. If parents can access the information, they may be better able to help their student. School work/homework could then be a more collaborative process. issue with delicious; it is run through yahoo. I recently had my yahoo account highjacked and it has caused issues for many people who were sent emails because they were a yahoo contact of mine. So, I would love more information on any other possible site out there that is like delicious, because my trust with yahoo has been broken.

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