I know that I am posting out of order............but I have gone through many of the things and just not been able to cpmplete my post when I did them.
About delicious.......not using it. Not that I do not find it useful, but I have personal issues with yahoo. Someone led me to diig through another post, and I have found that I am comfortable using that. It even has a area of their site dedicated to teachers. I have found many interesting items on there already. I have bookmarked several things to search and explore over the summer. I have plenty of things to work on this summer to help improve my overall tech skills. Now, just to actually get through them all, and take care of my usual summer chores. I am hoping that as I come back in the fall, I am ready to head into classes with a new found skill area to use with my students. I think this will be most interesting as I co-teach in my English class. We have enough difficulty getting through to our lower level English students. Maybe an infusion of technology, as well as, the other new things we have in the wings will get the students interested and engage them more in their personal learning process. Now, on to see how some of these other things will be useful to me......and those I co teach with.
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